zondag 15 februari 2015

Pornographic art from the jungle

Rudi Pontel is a woodcrafter from the city of Moengo in the Marowijne District in Suriname. 

He mostly works with 'letterhout'(letterwood) and his inspiration comes from nature, love and ....sex.

His work is very detailed and explicit. Which is very remarkable in a country where there are lots of brothels and teen pregnancies but where people sometimes can act act as if they never have sex or seen a penis or a vagina. 

Pontel is very skilled as you can see. Besides statues made out of wood he also makes necklaces, rings and beautiful  personalized walking sticks.

You can visit him in his woodshop, he is very hospitable and also pleasant for the eyes, winkwink!

My favs are the two 'jungle ballerina's' at both sides of the entrance to his shop where he works with his wife.

Ofcourse i ordered a walking stick for myself and when it's ready i'll sure as hell share the results with you!

1 opmerking:

  1. Prachtig!!!! Zo'n ring wil ik wel, zo'n beeld trouwens ook. Echt heel mooi!
